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EMday is organized by an association

Since 2013, EMDay has been energetically supported by an association which brings together the best French email marketing experts. (See Members). 

Our common goal is to give a better image of emailing in order to make professionals want to use it more (and well).

To get there we do 2 things:


1/ Raise awareness of good practices in the ecosystem, particularly large players.

Compliance with best practices seems essential to us to preserve end users' interest in the email channel. And since we all work in one way or another with emailing, we want it to continue!

2/Introduce emailing to those who do not yet use it, particularly VSEs

Passionate and experts in email marketing, we are convinced that it is a fantastic communication and sales tool. And we want it to be useful to our small local SMEs to sustain and develop their activity.

A big event once a year

EMDay was born in Alsace, in Strasbourg.

The first 6 editions took place there, then headed to Paris for 3 editions in Cely. Before returning to Alsace for the 10th anniversary edition. You can see the summary of previous editions here.

But be careful, EMDay is not yet another “trade show” like the others: 

  • the speakers intervene because they are relevant, not because they “bought a conf”

  • the participants are business experts, not salespeople who come to hunt

  • partners are limited in number, we only choose those who make sense

  • everyone is accessible with joy and good humor

Actions all year round

With the association we also organize regional micro-events, led in turn by one of our members. The idea here is more to make good email marketing practices known to “non-experts”. 


Along the same lines, we sometimes publish content (podcast, summary of best practices) to introduce people to the email marketing channel. 

an association to MAKE IT DIFFERENTLY



Our status as an association does not require us to make a profit at the end of the year, but simply to balance the association's accounts. We therefore favor quality over quantity..

This is for example why each year, during our annual event, the number of places is limited. This is also what does not allow us to be truly neutral in our content.

All with 2 values ​​that are dear to us and we try to infuse them into our actions: conviviality and eco-responsibility.

To stay informed of our activities, the easiest way is (obviously) to subscribe to our newsletter.


President of the association

PS : As you can see below, the association grows from year to year. If you too would like to participate more closely in this great adventure, just send me an email to by explaining what motivates you to join us. Membership is free, in exchange for your time.

Régis Bacher

Régis Bacher

Founder & helper at

Bruno Florence

Bruno Florence

Co-founder, Treasurer & consultant at Florence Consultant

Julie Mandry

Julie Mandry

Co-founder, Secretary & data tickler

Bruno Fridlansky

Bruno Fridlansky

Co-founder, Vice-Secretary & LinkedIn expert

Laurent Garnier

Laurent Garnier

Vice Treasurer & Deliverability Director at Chapsvision

Charles Boone

Charles Boone

Co-founder & Snipemailer at Wefficient

Jonathan Loriaux

Jonathan Loriaux

Co-founder & email marketing evangelist at Badsender

Yves-Marie Le Pors-Chauvel

Yves-Marie Le Pors-Chauvel

Member since 2019 & deliverability engineer at Postmastery

Ronan Pellegrini

Ronan Pellegrini

Member since 2019 & e-marketing project manager at Plus que Pro digital

Laura Villevieille

Laura Villevieille

Member since 2021 & Senior Architect at HCL

Alain Doustalet

Alain Doustalet

Member since 2021 & Consultant

Cyrille le Rolland

Cyrille le Rolland

Member since 2022 & Founder and CEO of Un Tour de Force, marketing and communication agency dedicated to Banking, Insurance and Finance

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